City Planning | 2019.10

まちづくり town plannning
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library

Use: library
Floor Area:1700㎡
This is an application proposal for a proposal to revive Tojinbo through community development.

I thought that trying to revive the townscape of Showa tourism culture 
and reproduce the façade of the building beautifully would not work.
The ring that covers the town allows you to experience the shopping street itself as a cultural heritage.
I thought of something like an order that surrounds the territory.

Now that people, traffic, information movements, and all flows have become smooth and convenient,
People do not stay somewhere, but flow one after another.
Therefore, the Flow that extends to a certain place is lengthened as much as possible, 
and there is an experience that visitors are impressed with.
I thought about increasing the number of gimmicks that people can do.