City Library | 2018.09

図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library
図書館 library

Use: library
Floor Area:1700㎡
Recently, IoT is gradually advanced. For that, libraries are demanded to change. They should not only
be space which citizen research by books and computer but also shift to space for making new meanings. 
We put next 4 base plan for creating library citizen love.
*Make space which generate free connection with people and culture.
*Enhance sustainability that correspond to change of society and environment.
*Create local community across the generations.
*Harmony with surrounding landscape suitable for city climate.
For making this plan possible we organized to use wooden louver and environment simulation system.
The library is putted on green environment. The construction that dynamic space by spiral slope twine
around core which is cylindrical static space, and it make library warm, become shape that show to 
improve with the city. We planed the library which make scene that citizen gather to books of wisdom symbol,
they can relax at and proud of.