Artpolis Project's proposal| 2018.08

くまもとアートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project
アートポリスプロジェクト kumamoto artpolis project

Floor Area:2500㎡
We planned this proposal for telling that you can be impressed with Takamori station’s environment and 
spend at there if you come to.
People who live in urban might miss there’s environment and long for it. In such environment, we think 
to pile up bare bed floating in the middle. You can sleep there, when once you arrive. Some function like 
station and that required get mixed with accumulation like mountain range which outline is vague. We 
propose an accumulating transparent belt which is called ‘’Human Tower’’, such as cat tower. The belt 
and Aso’s mountain range overlap each other, and they’ll show something. 

You can stay as you are.
The human tower is made by accumulated bed like shelfs. One space is used as shared office, other that is
done as library, exhibition and so on. The tower is made of laminated lumber panel. And two panel sticking 
in stairs are bound by a steel pall, and they make basic construction. Next, We move pieces of the tower 
little and put them side by side like belt. Construction of the consecutive tower become that like transparent 
layer. It is imitated by timber structure customized capsule hotels. Each beds confront Aso mountain, 
Neko mount, Aso Gairin mountain and grassland, float on the specious environment, and connect with tableland. 
Within ordinary days, you can be in the environment, if you want. For that, We make no barrier space to urban 
in Takamori-cho. This proposal is for telling how make, so, it’s free to use.