御幸町銀沙灘 | 2017

幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
御幸町銀沙灘 Gokomachi Ginsyadan Landscape Design
所在地: 京都市、御幸町
敷地面積: 22m2

建物用途: ランドスケープデザイン
構造・規模: ステンレス
延べ床面積: 22m2
The scenery of Ginsyadan design enhances the space of courtyard with the emphasis of interpretation, 
style and idealized of metaphor idea of the traditional Japanese scenery view of Ginsyadan and less 
elements used in this modern Japanese landscape architecture.

The site location is in the semi-public area of one residential building in Gokomachi, Kyoto. The enclosed 
garden in 2 courtyards reproduced to the nature with artificial shapes. To reproduce the appearance of flowing
water, small white stone from the river was used. A Karesansui is a typical Japanese courtyard where inside 
there is the small rock scape with straight lines representing waves.

Ginsyadan is the name of the Karesansui present in Ginkakuji Temple in Kyoto, which is one of the most 
famous examples. The flow of water was also expressed with emphasis by using square shaped stainless 
steel flat barslayered from down to the top. Along the approach from the entrance to the garden, there 
are trees that also arranged in a grid frame, invited calmly by the transition from the place you belong 
to the scenery of Ginsyadan.
The design is timeless, simple and elegant. On the other hand, make people feel calm likes a flow of water 
even daytime or night time with illumination light-ups.